A group of SJC students enrolled in the Alternative Licensure Program


Turn your college and work experience into a rewarding job as a teacher. 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站's 替代教师执照计划 (ALP) teaches you how to manage a fun and engaging classroom in two years. We offer three teaching certificate programs designed to prepare you to teach in an elementary, secondary, 或者特殊教育教室. Get the skills and training you need to inspire students and make a difference in your community at SJC. 


Leap into the world of education by earning an Alternative Licensure Certificate. Your previous education and experience will be invaluable as you teach the next generation of students. Your expertise will make your curriculum more engaging and relevant to the real world. 

Through the ALP, you'll be able to start your teaching career immediately and earn the New Mexico Level 1 teaching license. Take courses that will give you the knowledge you need to lead a classroom, 比如教学方法和儿童发展. You'll even work under a working teacher's supervision and get your instructors' feedback.

Why Should I Enroll in SJC's Alternative Teacher Licensure Certificate Program?

The Alternative Teacher Licensure Certificate program is a state-accredited program through the New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED). If you have a bachelor’s degree or higher, you can become a teacher in just two years.


The ALP provides fundamental and meaningful preparation for new teachers. 你将通过课程和实地工作经验来学习, 你将在真正的教室里教学生.

SJC提供三个教学证书课程. 你可以在两年内完成每一门课程. They are:

  • 替代执照证书-初级: 了解如何指导小学的孩子.
  • 备用执照证书-中学: 学习如何与初中生和高中生交流.
  • 替代执照证书-特殊教育: 学习如何教导和倡导有特殊需要的学生.

SJC and the ALP accept applications throughout the year, so you can apply and begin at any time. Please note that some courses are only offered during the fall and spring semesters. 


马上把你的教育和工作经验派上用场. 作为工党的一部分, the New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED) will issue you a provisional teaching license. That means you can start your teaching career as soon as you enter the program. 

而在工党, you will be paired with a well-qualified teacher mentor who will guide and support you through your first years in the classroom. You are able to be employed as teacher of record in a local school district, while you receive instruction and coaching from mentors and SJC faculty.


SJC与当地社区的学校有很多联系. For example, many of our instructors are district teachers, principals, and leaders. 他们的专业知识将确保你为新的职业生涯做好准备. 因为我们与当地学校关系密切, our ALP is tailored to prepare you to be successful in New Mexico’s diverse classrooms.


Because of SJC's 低学费,在SJC的教学证书是一个很好的投资. Learn in SJC classrooms and get the firsthand experience you need to start this worthwhile career. 我们还提供各种 教学奖学金 这将帮助你支付你的课程. 你也可能有资格通过免学费获得学位 NM机会和彩票奖学金.


Translate your current degree and work experience into a successful teaching career. Your ALP courses will teach you how to connect with your students so they can learn and be inspired. You'll study:

  • 教与学理论
  • 如何规划和实施课程
  • 课堂管理
  • 有效使用评估
  • 如何在课堂上欣赏多样性
  • 与家庭和社区建立联系
  • 教师的法律、道德和职业责任



Become an elementary school teacher with this Elementary Curriculum certificate program. You'll learn specific skills to help you teach students from kindergarten to 5th grade. 课程包括:

  • 基础课程与教学
  • 小学课堂阅读教学
  • 阅读教学基础



学习如何与初中生和高中生交流. 学习在中学阶段教学的理论和方法. 参加以下课程:

  • 有效的教学
  • 在内容区阅读
  • 二级教学方法



学习如何评估和帮助有特殊需要的学生. As a special education teacher, you'll help students and their families navigate the school system. Make sure every child has access to quality education with courses such as:

  • 异常和放置
  • 评估和IEP
  • 特殊学习者阅读

Curriculum for 替代执照证书-特殊教育

Curriculum for 替代执照证书-初级 Special Education

替代执照证书课程-中学 Special Education


There is a great demand for teachers in New Mexico, with hundreds of jobs that need to be filled. 通过获得教师证书, you will be well on your way to earning your teacher's license and making a difference in your community. 


  • 小学教师
  • 中学教师
  • 高中教师
  • 特殊教育教师


  • 法明顿市立学校
  • 布卢姆菲尔德公立学校
  • 阿兹特克市立学校
  • 中央合并学校


To apply for the 替代教师执照计划, you must have a bachelor’s degree or higher. 您还必须具备:

  • 30 semester hours of credit in a particular field that pertains to the licensure area sought OR 
  • 硕士学位, including 12 semester hours of graduate credit in a particular field that pertains to the licensure area sought OR
  • A doctorate in a particular field that pertains to the licensure area sought. 



The 替代教师执照计划 is accredited by the New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED).


The NMPED Professional Licensure Bureau is responsible for determining the qualifications for and issuing licenses to teachers, administrators, 以及新墨西哥州的其他教学人员.



作为ALP的一部分,太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站将跟踪您的进度. Licensure assessments, however, are the responsibility of the teacher candidate. 获得一级教师资格证书, you must complete all licensure assessments with passing scores and report them to NMPED.

Next Steps

You must first apply to 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 to enroll in the Alternative Licensure Teaching Program. 这很容易,你可以随时在网上申请!

Apply Now!

确保也适用于ALP. 一旦你提交了两份申请, you can contact the ALP team to schedule an interview to be admitted to the program. 


如果你已经是太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站的学生, talk to your advisor about our teacher education programs and how to transfer your credits to earn a bachelor's degree. 



Phone: (505) 566-3320

Room 1911

M-F 8 a.m - 5 p.m.
